James Turrell
Installation view
February 11 - Aug 14, 2020
Pace Gallery, London
© James Turrell
photo: Damian Griffiths
I was asked to write a little something about a dead artist who inspired me but wound up writing about a living one, sorry for that, I know I'm subverting the idea of this blog this way, but this is what came up, and also, I'm very happy that this artist is still alive today, so here's my contribution: Not an inspiration but a kindred soul.
I really get inspired by life itself and so does he. When I was 20 years old, I woke up one morning and, in my hand, I saw a strange, very bright green light. I woke up my girlfriend, who was lying next to me in bed, and I said to her, 'Look at this light, isn't it wonderful? She said 'I see nothing', and turned around and went back to sleep. And I just sat there in complete awe of this beautiful
light that shone from my hand.
Until today I cherish this memory as one of those rare insightful moments into the divinity of our souls. When a friend told me about the colors that James Turrell saw while he was sitting in the darkness of his solitary confinement when he was in jail I felt a kindred spirit had been revealed to me.
Jeroen Eisinga, 2025
Jeroen Eisinga (NL)
The Gift
Super 8 color film transferred to digital file
silent, 2'50"
© Jeroen Eisinga